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"In my 36 years as a racehorse trainer, I have not seen anything like it. This makes losing a bet almost impossible. The name 'Absolute Certainty' says it all" -- Jason Mann, Canis Bloodline Stock Group
The First Scientific Horse Betting System that Has Already Proven to Make You Money Consistently
How $15 Quickly & Easily Makes $157.28
"Discover the Secrets to Turning $15 Very Safely into $157.28 this Afternoon by Putting
5 Highly Secure Place Bets on Favorites...
--Even if You've Never Placed a Single Bet Before in Your Life --GUARANTEED!"
Yes, it's true! You really can make money from horse betting. In the next few minutes I will prove to you exactly how you too can consistently achieve such results from horse racing...

--And also how you can achieve an astonishing 89.52% win strike rate and a place strike of 96.35%...for the rest of your life -- no matter where in the world you live.
NEWS UPDATE : 100,000th Copy Has Recently Been Sold...
I recently sold the 100,000th copy of "Absolute Certainty Betting System" and its enduring success shocked even me. The demand for my system soared right from day one with 68,483 hard copies being sold since 1992.

Around 2006...I decided to make my system available in digital format only (as an ebook) so that my clients could obtain it faster and much more affordably. At my last check, 33,563 copies of the ebook had been sold...taking the total ebook and hard copies sold to well over 100,000 in combined sales.

I had decided to launch my ebook at ClickBank's marketplace. My decision was mainly based on ClickBank's great reputation in the online environment. Within a week after launch, my system again made huge gains in popularity...

It became the #1 ranked product under horse racing out of 277 betting systems and over 10,000 other moneymaking products, here's proof...
The reason why my system continues to remain hugely popular is because it really does work and my clients are happy with the results. No other system out there comes even close (I'll bet all my money on it!).

Here's just one of the many proofs that
my horse betting system really works...

£1,400 IN 17 DAYS
"Sir, I have only two words for you 'THANK YOU'! I had a rough first few days but it really picked up after that. I kept reinvesting my profits and continued to use only a small portion of my betting bank. And after just two weeks I netted £1,400 in pure profits. But believe it or not I was betting very conservatively."
George Evans - Portsmouth, UK

Yes, I'm the Betting Scientist (My university friends gave me this name) and on the following pages I'm going to show you the exact horse betting system I've been using...

-- Since 1992 to make a consistent profit week after week from horse racing betting...

...(Yes, that's 1992, 32 years of consistent
solid profit year after year!)...

PLUS, I'll show you exactly how I developed this remarkable system and letters & testimonials from everyday REAL PEOPLE just like YOU who've followed my betting method and made dramatic changes to their income, lifestyle and moneymaking endeavors from horse racing betting...

Here's what just some of them are saying:

"Over the years I have bought a zillion gambling systems and yet none have made me enough money to even pay for the cost of the system itself. Although I read your system only yesterday, I'm a clear winner! Here's why. After putting your betting system through the stats of past data, I can clearly see why most claim this to be the only betting system in the world that makes gambling almost not-gambling. Keep up the excellent work!"
Dr. Cheung Fung - Wong Hang, Hong Kong
$16,000 IN 8 MONTHS
"I meant to drop you a line earlier but I have been too busy. Over the past 8 months I have grown my betting bank to $16,000 by betting only over the weekends. After months of skepticism, my wife recently started her own betting bank. Who's laughing now?"
James Hillock - Gatesville, Texas
"Man, I'm a veteran when it comes to betting systems. In the past decade I have spent more money on gambling products than on gambling itself. Although I have come across some good systems in the past, nothing compares to your strategy. In my first attempt I got 28 straight place wins in a row. I've never seen anything like it before. By using the same $25 I made over $1,800 in profits. I would have made at least 17 times that amount if I stuck to your staking plan."
Stuart Rowland - Yuba City, California
"After winning $180 at a 'fun' Melbourne Cup in-house betting pool, I pretended to be an expert at picking horses. My workmates claimed the win to be a fluke and challenged me to make $500 from the remainder 2nd and 3rd price pool money of $170. By using only $17 I decided to use your system to run accumulative place bets. To everyone's surprise (even I was shocked!) I managed to squeeze 10 straight place wins with the profits being reinvested with each bet. I must admit though that after the 7th bet I was literally shaking each time I placed a bet. But guess what? I made $6,854 from $17...And now everyone (including my boss) is begging me to reveal my secret! Please hide your website!"
Comrie Graham - Sydney, Australia
"Since we last emailed you our tiny wee $80 betting bank has become $13,642.00. The only problem is that our bets are getting out of hand...I mean they have become too large! We break cold sweat whenever we even think about betting. We plan to reduce the bets to smaller amounts even though this will reduce our profits temporarily...and will keep you posted with future results."
Mary & Ian Thompson - Detroit, Michigan
"I have never managed to make a profit from punting over a period of time. Your manual has changed that for me. Your system is worth its weight in gold but your advice on betting is priceless."
James Partington - South Island, New Zealand
"10 days of testing it and I am well ahead. I am happy with the results."
Perry Mitchell - Alberta, Canada
"This is just a quick note to tell you how delighted I am with your betting system. I have had a very good run...I managed to double my initial betting bank just over 4 times. I started with £250 what now stands at just over £4,200. However I must say that I am not that surprised with the results. I've always had a gut feeling deep down that if I ever did make money from racing it will have to do with betting on favourites for a place...but until now I didn't know how. Cheers mate!"
Charles Donovan - Devon, UK
"Your system is easy to use and very profitable. I am enjoying it immensely."
Neil Robinson - Melbourne, Australia

--- All Testimonials are kept on file and are freely available for inspection ---

FROM: Betting Scientist, 5:31 pm
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024

Dear Friend,

It's CRAZY! Hundreds of millions of dollars are won each week at the races but only 1.7% off all bettors manage to make a living from horse racing betting. So, if you've always imagined yourself consistently profiting from horse racing --- making an extra income on the side...$300.00...$700.00 even $1,900.00 or more each week...

-- Or even replacing your current income...

...then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Because on the following page, I'm going to show you how anyone can make a consistent income from horse betting, that takes just a few hours each week to run -- even if you've never placed a single bet before in your life.

BUT RIGHT NOW...before I do anything else...I'll answer the #1 burning question I get asked whenever a horse racing commentator or betting enthusiast interviews me...

--Why bet on favorites and why for a place?...

By the way, favorites are horses that pay relatively shorter odds (Odds means money) and are the most favored by the betting public to win the race. In the UK, Australia and New Zealand...Place Betting is where you win the bet when your selected horse runs in first, second or third. It's known as 'betting for a Show' in USA, Canada North and other related countries.

ANSWER... It's SAFE, QUICK and EASY...it's so easy that
at times it feels almost UNFAIR!

Please let me explain...

First of all let me clarify something...when I talk about making money from horse racing betting, I'm NOT talking about a few 'freak' or lucky wins in a month. What I'm however referring to is consistently profiting week after week and year after year from betting.

So why is place betting on favorites the safest and most secure bets you will ever make in your life...?

OK, we don't just select any favorite horse and put a place bet on it.


We only select certain types of favorite horses and then put each one of them through a set of vigorous rules before making a secure investment. These rules eliminate any 'Risk Factors' the horse may be carrying. Favorites that pass each of the rules are called absolute certainties and move from being a gamble to becoming a highly secure investment.

Shortly I will show you exactly how I maintain a win strike rate
of 89.52% and a place strike rate of 96.35%...

You see, the biggest problem with bettors who lose money on horse racing betting is that they try to make big sums of money from just a few dollars. Occasionally they might succeed...but in the long run they will certainly lose a lot of their hard earned cash.

Without a doubt you possibly could make a consistent profit by investing on high-priced non-favorites. BUT you'll probably have to spend 18-20 hours each race day researching all the critical factors just to figure out which horses may run into money. Who has this sort of spare time? And more importantly, why make things hard for yourself by betting on 'hard to pick' non-favorites when you can very, very easily profit from favorites?

Trust me, with the correct plan, a spare 15 to 20 minutes
a day is all you need to bet like a professional

With my method it will take you only 15-20 minutes a day to find your secure investments. It will take you about 5 minutes to select the appropriate favorite horses that you would then put through the set of rules. You will then spend about 15 minutes running each of these favorites through the rules and end up with a set of highly secure investments for the day.

You will then place your bets at your local betting agent, on the Internet or at the tracks and take the rest of the day off! All that is required to apply the rules a horse racing betting newspaper or any other source with basic racing statistics (such as the Internet or betting guides provided at betting agents).

Why is place betting on favorites the safest
& easiest way to profit from horse betting...

It's so safe & easy that most of my clients tell me that it's almost UNFAIR! When you bet on well priced non-favorites, you are effectively betting against the odds. However, investing on certain favorites that have passed my set of rules will definitely set the odds in YOUR FAVOR in a very BIG way.

Here's how cocky I used to get in the 90's when
using my system (it's a bit embarrassing)...

Before the Internet and phone betting became mainstream, I had to make all my bets at the betting agency. And because everybody else also had to be there to make their bets, after a race, particularly at the weekends, there used to be long queues at the payout window.

I was so certain that each of the horses selected by my system would win that I used to line up at the payout window even before the race had started. And guess what...the payout lady thought I was NUTS! But after collecting several hundred dollars in just a few days...she knew I meant serious business each time I stood in that line.

You see...my system in a nutshell goes something like this:

Everyone knows that favorites have a high chance of winning a race. However we select only certain types of favorites that have even a much higher chances of winning. We then put these horses through a set of rules to eliminate any 'risks' they may be carrying. We then end up with a set of very secure favorites that have an extremely high chance of winning.

BUT guess what?...we don't even bet for a win!

By betting for a place only -- we dramatically
increase the odds in our favor!

"3 years later...she uses it more than I do! Although we are not big gamblers, we have managed to buy and pay off 2 cars over the last few years...all from betting. Doing so has enabled me to quit my night job and start part time studies."
Mr. & Mrs. Pottinger - Pennsylvania, USA

The simple accident that created this system...

You probably don't know that my system was created by accident when I was finishing my Business Degree at university. Please note that you DO NOT need to understand any of the statistical data revealed here. My system is written in plain English and is easy enough for a 11 year old to use. The illustration is merely being used to show how I came about developing my horse racing betting system.

Here's exactly what happened:

February 1992 - It was my third assignment for statistics paper when I decided to base it on finding out if the win odds of a favorite horse had any relationship with its ability to win a race. Before I began the assignment, I knew for a fact that the favorite horse wins 28 percent of the time, as this information was readily available through most big betting agencies.

The win odds of a favorite could range from less than $1 and going as high as $5.6 at times. However the average win odd for a favorite is only $1.94, which shows that fewer high paying favorites win.

For those who are new to horse betting, odds simply refers to the amount of money a horse will pay if you win your bet. I've used Decimal odds format here as I've found it easier to deal with when compared to Fractional odds. So if you put a $10 bet on a horse that's paying odds of $1.94...you'll get back $19.40 in total if you win ($10 x $1.94 = $19.40). That $19.40 will contain your original bet (known as stake) of $10 plus a profit of $9.40. This is all very simple, isn't it?

Here are the facts so far...
Favorites win 28% of all races
Average win odds of a favorite is $1.94
Problem: Out of every $10 invested on favorites, your loss is $4.57

I knew there had to be a way to increase the win percentage by finding out why certain favorites won while others lost. With this in mind, I statistically analyzed a mountain of racing data to find out if there was any relationship with the win odds and the number of times the favorite horse actually won.

Here are the results...

Win Odds
Percentage Won
$1.0 - $1.5
$1.6 - $2.0
$2.1 - $2.5
$2.6 - $3.0
$3.1 - $3.5
$3.6 - $4.0

The results amazed me! Simply by selecting favorite horses with win odds between $1.6 to $2.5, I increase my chances of winning to 48%. This was a huge improvement from the average win strike rate of all favorites at 28%. However, 48% strike rate was still not good enough...since the average win odds was only $2.05.

Here are the facts at this point...
Favorites with win odds between $1.6 - $2.5 win 48% of all races.
Average win odds is $2.05
Problem: For every $10 invested, your loss is $0.16

I was very, very close to making a profit.
What I did next was the turning point of my life...

So far I was statistically analyzing past data. I knew I had to analyze actual races as they occurred to find ways of dramatically increasing the win strike rate of the favorite horse. After months of painstaking analysis, I developed a set of rules which when applied to certain types of favorite horses, picked a winner in an astonishing 89.52 percent of all races.

These rules are the filters that separate the winners from the losers, quite literally!

All that is required to successfully pick out the qualifying favorite horse and apply the winning rules is a horse betting newspaper or form guide information, which is readily available on the Internet and at all betting agents.

This system can be literally applied
to any gallop horse race in the world

It has already been extensively used in America, Hong Kong, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, UK and most of Europe for well over 32 years by thousands of people. You do not need any prior horse betting or statistics knowledge as the entire plan has been written in plain English and takes only 10-20 minutes to use on any race day.

Here are the facts as it stands...
When certain favorite horses are selected and put through my set of rules, a win strike rate of 89.52% is achieved.
Average win odds is $2.55
Breakthrough: For every $10 invested, your actual profit is $12.83

Although I was getting 128.3% profit for every
dollar invested...I still wasn't happy. Here's why...

I wanted a lot more leverage out of every dollar invested. This prompted me to look into 'place bet' odds of all the horses I had analyzed.

The penny finally dropped...

My system produced a mind boggling 96.35% place strike rate!

This was because the selected horses did not have to win the race but come first second or third and it was in the money. However, the average place odds is only $1.60. So for every $1.00 invested your profit after losses is $0.54 (fifty four cents).

But here's why I was totally ecstatic even though the place odds
was considerably less when compared to the win odds...

When you combine the place strike rate and odds and compare it to the win strike rate and odds - betting for a place produced far more leverage. This leverage technique lets you turn small amounts of money into large sums of cold hard cash very, very, very quickly and easily!

This leverage technique is the second big secret I will reveal to you in my manual (the first is how to achieve a place strike rate of 96.35% - consistently). I will show you in a step-by-step outline exactly how you can use my system to consistently earn an income from horse racing betting - just like I do and thousands of my very happy clients all over the world.

"I bought your printed version of the book about 7 years ago and can honestly say that it has been the best low cost moneymaking product ever! At first I was a bit frustrated with the low number of selections available to bet each week but later realized this was for my own good. Now at 65 I am retired and use your system virtually everyday. I have even managed to pay for several holidays using the winnings and have always had my pocket full with cash. Maybe the extra happiness has added a few more years to my life. May god bless you son."
Mortensen Robertson - West Sussex, UK
"I bought your system 2 weeks ago and on the first two days I made $860.00 in profit. I am a school teacher in Johannesburg and don't make that kind of money in a fortnight. With so much extra cash I was embarrassed to tell my family where I got the money from."
Berza Kali - Johannesburg, South Africa
"One of my clients mentioned about your website so I thought I'd give it a try. I was a skeptic at first but three weeks later I had a good thing going on the side. The initial paper trial shocked me with 11 straight winners and I haven't looked back since."
David Potter (PhD, Astrophysics) - USA
"I have purchased many betting systems including the well known xxxxx xxxxxxxx system but your unpretentious nature tempted me to try your system - as a last attempt. I must say I am happy with your system and your answers to my many questions have been very honest."
Sera Harris - Sydney, Australia
"Your favourite system is very logical. I have been following horses for over 35 years yet never came close to using the methodology you use to pick winners in your system. I enjoy betting on favourites and your system has been a gift well over due for an old timer like me."
Mick Moresi - QLD Australia
"By studying your methods it became VERY clear to me exactly what I should be looking for. I have found this far after studying the races day in and day out, there are races that are completely and obviously the type of races where a certain type of horse almost always wins. I sneaked out $10 on Saturday and to my amazement netted $156 in just two hours! I still can't believe it."
Name Withheld - Suva, Fiji Islands
"I have had a very exciting couple of months and simply love your system."
Sue Miller
"I am sorry for being so skeptical; hopefully you understand my reasons for it. Your favourite system and staking plan produced incredible results - $768 in 2 weeks. I will still paper trial it for another 2 weeks before investing any real money."
Kusla Naidu - Wellington, New Zealand
FROM $25 to $543 IN 3 DAYS
"Your horse racing system makes betting almost NOT GAMBLING. Over the past 3 days I've made $543 from $25. It's so incredible that I am totally blown away."
Alexander Booth - Florida
"After burning over $2000 with 3 different tipping services I can honestly say that your system is a true life saver. Although I have made only a few hundred dollars in profit over this month, I have yet to have a losing week!"
Stephen Logan - Victoria, Australia

Here's a cross-section of just some of the highly
lucrative benefits you'll be privy to in my manual:

How to make $151.00 on a Saturday afternoon without risking a cent of your hard earned money...Absolutely ZERO Risk!
Win/place almost every time provided all the rules are followed. It's not unusual to get 8 or even 9 winners and place getters from only 10 selected horses.
BIG WINS. A selective one bet a day staking plan can give an average return of $268.44 on a mere $10 initial investment over week on VERY SAFE place bets.
Suitable For ANY Budget. Any amount over $5 can be used to operate the plan very successfully.
It can be used at your local betting agent, bookmaker, at the race tracks or on the Internet for the rest of your life.
Simple to operate. Spend only about 15-20 minutes on a race day to make the selections and then place all your bets and continue your day as usual.
Ideal for both beginners and advanced players as NO previous horse racing betting knowledge or experience is required - can be easily used even if you've never placed a bet before in your life.
Yours for a lifetime. Just follow the simple rules and my horse betting system keeps on working.
Exciting results supplied on how in just one hour of investing a $15 bet returned winnings of $265.12 by putting only five very secure place bets. I will show you how you too can do exactly the same!
Also revealed how a good friend of mine (Mack) beat me at my own game by making an astonishing $954.43 very safely using my system - in under 90 minutes by investing just $30.
Specifically designed to make you money. My entire horse racing betting system is based around helping you to profit from horse racing. It has no other purpose.

With "Absolute Certainty Betting System",
you'll be making highly profitable bets just like the pros...

Here's what else you'll benefit out of my betting system:

Takes the gambling element away from betting by selecting only one HIGHLY SECURE horse per race and only a handful of races on any race day.
BIG RETURNS! Ideal for both win and place bets. Pays out excellent odds with a very high strike rate...qualifying selections can also be used as an anchor for exotic types of bets such as trifectas and trebles.
Fully automated with no 'gray areas'. No human decisions are made for the selection process. Easy to follow makes it ideal to use effectively for anyone who is serious about making an extra income.
Survived the test of time. Don't pay hundreds for something that doesn't work or cannot guarantee you profitable results including tipping services that select too many horses per race and only show winners after the race has run!
Approved by skeptics. I have had some of the most skeptical clients change their beliefs after trying my horse betting method.
Highly satisfied clients in 73 countries. I get letters and emails from absolutely thrilled users from all over the world claiming this to be undoubtedly the best horse racing betting system ever devised.
Start using it the same day you order the system. No tedious studying or endless researching ever required.
Simply the surest and safest way to make money from horse racing betting. It works so well that I start lining up at the payout window even before the race has started. And some of my clients have told me that using my system is almost an 'UNFAIR' way to make money! That's how confident I'm with this horse betting plan.
This has to be the easiest way to start getting all your hard-earned money that the betting agencies have taken off you over your lifetime.
No need for risky long-priced winners. Safe medium-priced winners and place getters will do just fine.
Has turned the dream of making a living from horse racing a reality for thousands of people.
Absolutely no guess work. Simply follow the simple but highly effective rules, put your bets on, check your results and collect your winnings.
It does not matter how you use my system. On average every $15 invested will very safely turn into $157.28 by putting only 5 highly secure place bets...I personally GUARANTEE it!

PLUS...the MONEY MANAGEMENT secret no one else is willing to share...
--the safest and surest way to create an income for life...


Not only do I reveal to you the best horse betting system on the planet, a system that can give you an astonishing 96.35% strike rate...but I also will give you a money management system that will completely blow your mind.

I will show you how to establish a betting bank and exactly how to safely double it 12 to 14 times a year. For instance, a tiny $100 bank would look something like this for the first 6 months:

Betting Bank Status
$100 x 2 = $200
$200 x 2 = $400
$400 x 2 = $800
$800 x 2 = $1,600
$1,600 x 2 = $3,200
$3,200 x 2 = $6,400

OK...now you do the math from July to December -- your tiny $100 bank grows steadily into a massive $409,600.

This may sound unbelievable but consider this undeniable fact...

Once you've successfully doubled $100 into $200, what's stopping you from doubling $200 into $400...$1,600 into $3,200...$204,800 into $409,600? NOTHING. The strike rate and money management plan remains exactly the same...the only things that change are your bet amounts and your bank balance.

Once you realize that having a betting bank of $100 while making $5 bets is no different to having a betting bank of say $2,000 while making $100 bets -- your financial life will never be the same again.

And you don't have to start out with a big sum as you can quickly grow a small betting bank into a very large one by using my betting system and the Double Technique.

This is exactly how the pros make hundreds of
thousands of dollars each year from betting!

And you'll learn this exact technique in my manual. I'll show you the same steps I personally use to safely generate thousands from the lucrative betting industry. The general betting public is completely unaware of this method...hence why 98.3% of bettors don't manage to profit consistently from betting and actually lose money.

Revealing critical information like this is what
has made my system an international best seller...

The first set of printed copies of my betting system sold out in just 3 weeks. The next lot got snapped up in just 4 months. And almost all of the copies were taken by keen individuals referred by other users.

In fact, the extraordinary demand generated by referrals prompted me to eventually make my betting secrets accessible on the Internet...so now everyone can take advantage of this incredible moneymaking method.
As you can see, unlike almost all other so called "betting experts", I don't hide my face or use some fake story of how I went from cleaning toilets to mega riches from betting. I will also not show you my big house or expensive cars (though I do own them). Because those things don't matter to you. What really matters is that you start generating an income using my system. That is my one and only goal.

You see, I really do understand your situation...

When I started out my adulthood life, all I wanted was to do my own thing without having financial worries or time constraints. In other words, I wanted total freedom to live my life the way I wanted. I didn't want my life dictated by a job or a hectic business. But I knew I had to start somewhere. So my first aim was to start generating some side income to supplement the weekly earnings from my job.

This is exactly what you too should be aiming for!

My system allows you to really take control of your financial situation without it intervening in your current work, business and family life. But before long...you'll realize just how powerful my system is and how easily you could turn this side income into a major income generator.

The moneymaking power of my system surprises most of my clients. To their amazement, this extra source of easy income starts to produce much more money than what they thought were ever possible from betting or any other low-cost moneymaking venture.

"I always knew 'place betting' on favorites was a good combination to make a consistent profit from. However I neither had the time or expertise to exploit this strategy. Last month I stumbled across your system by mistake and have proved my hunch correct. I am currently writing a book on the history of horseracing and will incorporate some of the information from your manual in it (with your permission of course)."
John Cramer - Tampa, Florida
"I live on a small island in the South Pacific called Vanuatu. We don't have any local racing but I use the Internet to make bets at the Australian TAB site. Since using your manual I have been making $90-$110 AUD every week on average. On the first day I made $160 using only $18. I had never followed horseracing before until I started to use your system. I am very pleased with the results."
Kiri Vanese - Port Villa, Vanuatu
"I made £143 from £40 in two hours this afternoon. I can really see the potential of your system."
Chris Laing - Belfast, Ireland

Start cashing in from the first time you use it...

As far as I am aware this is the only system that can start making you money from the very first time you use it. You don't even need large sums of cash to start with. Week after week and year after year you can use it to produce an extra income on the side and afford all those things that you thought were not possible with today's rising prices. Isn't an extra income exactly what you are looking for?

STOP for a moment and think about this. Imagine this Saturday instead of lazing around the house you place 4 - 5 very secure bets and take the rest of the day off. Within a few hours the races have run and you have made several hundred dollars in cold hard profit.

Now, you keep repeating it week after week...and are banking piles of cash. Your family and friends are wondering where you get so much money from. But you're not surprised. You now own a 'secret weapon' that you're not revealing to anyone -- "Absolute Certainty Betting System".

It's important to understand what I've just described is not a fantasy. And it's not magic. This is what happens to people start to use some of the powerful strategies I have to share in my manual.

I freely admit that my betting methods are not for everyone. If you're looking for a get rich quick scheme that will make you millions of dollars overnight...then this system is not for you. As you know by now there are many people making an excellent income part-time and full-time from racing. YOU TOO can do the same.

Wouldn't an extra income be nice?

"Since using your system on and off for the past 5 months I have made approximately $6,000. I use to be a reckless gambler but now I use a plan and stick to it...thanks to your manual."
Todd Law - San Diego, California
"Using your staking plan I can see it is very possible to make £50,000 per year in income. I started out small and have now accumulated over £7,000 already. The compounding effect is phenomenal! Anyone who doesn't use your technique is definitely missing out on a very good deal in life."
Adam Scott - Denbighshire, Wales

Please DO NOT send me any
of your winnings (I really mean it)...

Not a week goes by without an overwhelmed user of my method writing incredibly satisfying remarks about the results achieved by using my system. Every so often, some extremely excited and delighted bettor tries to send me a portion of their winnings. Although a very generous gesture, please DO NOT send me any of your winnings. I'll have to return it back to you and that just adds extra workload to my assistant's (Sue) already busy schedule. Simply send me a "thank you" email instead and I will appreciate it a LOT!

You see...I'm a genuine person who gets satisfaction by helping others achieve their dreams. When you start winning more than you need, start building your nest egg or simply share it with your family and friends. Not only will they thank you but you'll also get satisfaction by being in a position to be able to help others. And that's exactly what drives me!

Why am I sharing this lucrative info...?

Simple. Horse betting is a multi-billion dollar industry and growing still. There is no way that bets from the users of this system will make a dent in the market. Because we place bets on certain horses only, there will always be thousands of bettors putting bets on other horses making our bets even more profitable.

Therefore sharing my betting secrets creates a 'WIN WIN' situation. I gain from the extra cash flow plus I really enjoy being able to help others. At the same time my clients (people just like you) massively benefit by making extra income from racing. There are absolutely no losers in this transaction. You will only lose if you do not take this offer seriously as you will miss out on a LIFETIME worth of EXTRA INCOME.

I'm so serious about helping my fellow clients that I've recently added three more parts to my manual. So there are now two bonus chapters and a trifecta system based around favorites.

I've worked really, really hard to create a moneymaking system that over delivers on its promises so much that some people think I'm crazy. But that's how I get my kicks!

I really do deliver much, much, much more
value than the tiny investment required...

4 Things You Should Know
Before Placing A Single Bet
Drive your betting success through the roof!
You will discover the 5 main strategies that you must absolutely follow if you are to make a decent living from betting. These 5 strategies are followed by ALL RICH & SUCCESSFUL bettors. Without following all 5 of these principles will simply lead most of your betting efforts to waste. Once you have read and digested these strategies you will instantly notice your betting success go through the roof.

Why the betting agency is your best friend...
Also...uncover the secrets of how the betting agencies/ bookmakers make their money and why they would love to pay you thousands of dollars in winnings each week. There is a HUGE amount of misinformation being paddled about bookmakers among amateur bettors. This misinformation is extremely dangerous to your betting success. I'll set the record straight once and for all!

8 Critical Factors That Affect
Your Chances Of Winning
How to make a perfect living from losing bettors...
Discover the 8 scientific principles that form the basis for my betting system. Understanding these principles will change your betting life for the better - forever. You will learn why most bettors never consistently win at the races and how you can quickly and easily capitalize on their ignorance while making a perfect living from racing.

Unstoppable winning streak secret...
You will also learn how to win up to 13 times in a row by betting on the same horse using a very simple technique that I have been using for over 23 years.

The Favorite Trifecta System That Makes $249.75 From $25!
Trifectas can pay over $100,000 for a $3 bet and all you need to do is select the horses that will come first, second and third in a race. However, picking such a combination is easier said than done...

Introducing the Favorite Trifecta System
You know by now that I hate guess work...and more importantly...I really hate losing. So I've devised a trifecta system based around favorites. The combinations I use cost around $25 and produces on average $249.75 in winnings - while winning up to 1 out of every 3 bets.

But...there's a small problem! Trifecta pools are very vulnerable, especially those based around the favorite horses. The more people successfully win out of a pool, the smaller the winning prize becomes. So for this reason I've had to get associates of mine to monitor trifecta pools throughout most of the major countries. Once I find a significant decrease in trifecta win prizes of the races selected by my system...I'll be forced to pull the plug on revealing this remarkable system anymore. Otherwise too many users will simply render this highly profitable system useless.

So get your hands on this highly lucrative trifecta system while you can. If you procrastinate it may be too late and you could lose thousands of dollars in extra income every month.

How do you put a value on something that
can give you limitless financial freedom...?

Here's my $590 per week ANSWER:

Yes, $590 per week is what it will cost you to join my private tipping service club where I pick the secure 'Absolute Certainties' every day. Why so much? Because I make my clients a small fortune with the selections I pick. My years and years of accumulative experience and know how are as rare as hens teeth. I've been known to double somebody's betting bank (regardless of how big it is) within a few weeks.

My club members enjoy guaranteed profits every week -- I've NEVER had a losing week in two decades. These high-flyers prefer to pay me for the selections because the huge amounts of money they bet each time easily justifies the $590 per week investment. They also get my phone number and personal support...so I effectively coach them to maximize every thousand they invest on my selections.

There is an abundance of other ways I could spend my time. So if I am going to invest time with you, it's got to be worth my while. It's not uncommon for me to have people lined up on a 15-week waiting list...all striving to pay me this amount...just for my personal touch. But you don't have to pay me $590 per week. Why...?

...because I have an ulterior motive...

Lately my conscious has just been killing me. Whenever I go to the supermarket or some other place where most people earn mediocre wage...it bothers me to see a lot of somewhat bright folks working at dead end jobs. I know I really can help those stuck in the rut. Obviously it will be impossible for me to help everyone in person. So after pondering for a bit, I decided on doing this brilliant scheme -- I'd let my betting system do all the hard work for me.

You see...I really would like my betting system to become my version of 'charity'. My aim is to give as many people of ambition and enterprise the financial break they desperately need to vastly improve their lives.

Hence why I'm letting go of my super-powerful
scientific betting system for only $49.95

I understand not everyone has had the chance to go to university or has the endurance to invest over 4,500 hours that I spent researching my system. But everyone still deserves a chance in life to achieve true financial freedom.

But if you paid the normal price for me to explain all of these strategies and techniques to you one-on-one you'd be looking at running a bill somewhere between $3,000 - $3,500 (because my time is my most valuable commodity). Plus...the inside information you'll be getting about earning a living off horse betting would easily warrant such a price. Because you'd get your moneys worth instantly if you implemented the strategies.

That's why investing in my manual is the only practical way to discover how to consistently profit from horse racing betting.

"I have known this fine young man ever since he lived down the road from me. He is a very intelligent guy and was kind enough to personally walk me through his betting method, which I still use to this day. I'm a very modest bettor buy I still like to profit and enjoy the thrill of having some extra cash. I was sad when he moved away as I really miss those talks we used to have. God bless him. Best regards from your old timer buddy."
Roger Jackson - Long Island, NY
"I just have to say that I've never had so much fun this regularly before in my life. I just cannot wait for the TAB to open each morning so I can nail those moneymakers. I've been using your method on NZ and Australian racing with solid results. Today there were 9 qualifiers and 3 certainties. I collected from 8 of those bets and ran my accumulator on the certainties returned $118 from $20. What a day!"
Brian - Adelaide, Australia
"I've been using your certainty method for 7 years now and am still as excited as the first time I used it. My hectic schedule (and wife) only allows me to enjoy betting on Saturdays. I can honestly say I've never had a losing week. I did break even once but the rest have always been in profit. Just last week all five bets ran into money and I pocketed £212.50."
Fabian Pentecost - North London, UK

Here's the one thing that really drives
me CRAZY -- this is very serious!

Look, I know for a fact that my system works...over 100,000 clients cannot be wrong. I also know that this is an outstanding offer. However, many people who could benefit greatly from using my betting system won't order. Honestly...this does not bother me one bit.

But what does bother me a great deal is the same people spending hundreds and even thousands of dollars on useless stuff that never earns them a cent - yet they complain about having money problems (what gives?)

Can you afford 13 cents a day?

That's $49.95 if you spread the amount over one year. That's far less than what you would pay for a cup of coffee a day. How much money have you spent on useless 'stuff' that never earned a cent for you or your family? If you are like most people your answer is probably...PLENTY.

Really think about it...how many times have you whipped out your wallet on the spot and spent $90.00, $150.00, $400.00 or more on something that you didn't quite need - but bought anyway because it was on special?

But now when you have been given an opportunity
of a lifetime...you hesitate to act on it. Why?

You see, if you don't invest in my system now you will only spend that money elsewhere on something nowhere as valuable...and soon be back to the daily grinds of life with nothing to show for (I know, I've been there and done that).

The amount $49.95 is a very small investment in your future. And if you're serious about the quality of your life, it's a drop in the ocean. If you're not willing to invest a mere $49.95 to improve all aspects of your life...then you're simply NOT serious enough about making more money, your future or your family's future. It's as simple as that.

Here's a quick recap of why over 100,000
people have already invested in my system...

You Control How Much Money You'd Like to Make
If you have a spare $5 lying around...you can start using my system immediately. If you like quick cash then implementing my staking plan will safely turn every $15 invested into $157.28 safely and easily. If you prefer long-term steady income then my "Double Technique" could provide you with a 6-figure income for life.

And using my "One Bet A Day Strategy" can easily turn $10 into $268.44 or $25 into $671.10 over one week. The options are endless!
Very Easy to Access the Information and to Use
My manual is sitting at this very website in the secure member's area. Once you've made your payment you'll end up signing up as my member. The whole process will barely take 2 minutes. You can then access and read my system instantly. Your access is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for life...from anywhere in the world.

The links to access the member's area are on the top and bottom of this site. The manual is in the same format as this web page you're reading right now. Since you can read this web page...you'll have no issues reading the manual. There's nothing to download or install. I'll also give you full support should anything ever go wrong.
Use it From Anywhere in the World
I've got clients in 73 countries so I can say with confidence that you can use my system from anywhere in the world. Even if you don't have local racing, all you need is Internet access to start making safe bets using my system. A good example is a user of my system who lives in Vanuatu. Kiri Vanese lives in Port Villa, Vanuatu and makes his bets at the Australian TAB (Australian Bookmaker/betting agency) using the Internet.
My system is suitable for complete beginners and advanced bettors
Believe me...the majority of my clients have little or no interest in horse racing itself. However they do have serious interest in the money my system can produce from horse racing. Because I clearly outline each step of my betting system in simple English...even an 11 year old could use it. But as a complete beginner it may initially take you slightly longer to work out your selections. But after just a little while it will become second nature.

I do go into the details of exactly why and how my betting system rules work. I also support it with the results of my research. The information is there mainly for beginners so they can understand the fundamentals better before using my system. Advanced bettors can go straight to applying my method.
It's Nothing Like Most Other Systems that Don't Work
Most of the other systems you see out there are simply speculative betting strategies put into writing with not an ounce of science behind it. In fact, over the years, clients of mine have literally sent me hundreds of such systems to evaluate (yes there are that many out there). I honestly wasn't able to find a single one that could produce a consistent profit. The truth is almost all of them were down right insulting!

"Absolute Certainty Betting System" has been produced using pure statistical principles - not using speculative guesswork. I still have my years and years of research data and results on file and you are welcome to inspect it.
It's NOT Gambling, it's a Sporting Business -- an Income Earner
Let's make one thing very clear. Horse racing betting is nothing like lotto or casino games. Those are pure games of chance...hence why they are classed as gambling. Horse racing betting is classed as a sport. The better informed the bettor is...the higher the chances of winning. And using my system will make you the most informed bettor out there. Because my system has been designed to do just one thing -- to make you consistent profits.

We simply use horse racing as a vehicle to make money. We treat the entire operation just like a business...a perfect income earner.
Income for Life as these Strategies Work Forever
Did you know that the first horse racetrack was constructed in 1665 and in 1868 the first organized horse racing event took place? My point is...horse racing betting has a long ingrained history amongst us and is not going to end anytime soon. So you can be guaranteed that my system will work for you for life.

With job and business security being almost non-existent these days, it's a huge relief to find a moneymaking system that is not going to bail on you.

All you have to do is follow my simple rules...place your bets...and collect your winnings. There's absolutely nothing to stop you from operating my system forever and earning a very good income from it. Nothing at all!
Please don't waste this mind-blowing opportunity. I've gone to extraordinary lengths to give you a super deal at a shocking low price. For something this valuable, I just cannot keep the price this low for a long time. So take action right now and place your order right away...or you will miss out!

I have made it as easy as possible to put my system into action. You'll find a quick start guide in the manual that you can refer to immediately. So grab the bull by the horns and get started today. Once you see the difference in your betting results, nothing will be able to stop you from achieving you dreams. Just collecting your first winning will make you so incredibly, incredibly, incredibly pleased you took advantage of this opportunity.

Come join the 1.7% of bettors who have the power to quickly and
easily generate more cash whenever they need more money!

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